What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (2024)

All companies that want to attract customers and stand out against competitors need strong brand assets. These elements help build an identity, maintain consistency, and create trust. Considering that trust is the second most important factor in buying from a new brand, it's essential for companies to design brand assets that highlight their values, strengths, offerings, and identities.

What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (1)

Brand assets let you create customer touchpoints that are immediately recognizable. Think of Amazon packaging, the Pixar lamp, or Apple's minimalist design.

But branding assets aren't simply logos and slogans. They're the combination of several elements that come together to create a unique, distinguishable identity. If well-designed, brand assets can build brand awareness, increase marketing ROI, create customer loyalty, and give you a competitive edge in the market.

Any company can develop distinct assets that draw in customers and increase sales conversations. To start, let's walk through the basics of brand assets before jumping into examples that show you how to leverage these essential branding elements.

What are Brand Assets?

Brand assets are recognizable elements that embody a company's identity. From logos and typography to taglines, brand assets make it easy to identify a business, help it stand out from competitors, and cue customer associations.

What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (2)Brand assets can include the following elements:

  • Brand name
  • Logo
  • Color palette
  • Packaging
  • Slogans or taglines
  • Songs or sounds
  • Brand guidelines
  • Mascots
  • Typography
  • Design elements
  • Voice and tone
  • Videos

Well-designed brand assets can help you deliver a consistent, unified experience and bring your business to the top of customers' minds. But it should never be mistaken for a competitor's brand. You want every element to reflect your company so it's immediately recognizable. If you can do that, your assets will work well with one another to build your unique brand identity.

Every company has different needs and thus, different assets. For some, a mascot may be more important than packaging. But all businesses must have a few essential branding assets to distinguish themselves from competitors.

Top Three Brand Assets

  • Logo: A logo is the most significant representation of a business. Research shows that people retain information better when it's paired with a relevant image, and a logo is the thing that helps customers recognize your brand and begin to build an emotional connection.
  • Color palette: Up to 90% of an initial impression is based on color alone. Considering that people form an opinion about people or products within the first 90 seconds, it's easy to see why a color palette is a top brand asset. When choosing colors, research the psychology of color to see what may resonate best with your audience.
  • Tagline: "Can you hear me now? Good." "Just do it," and "What's in your wallet?" are all famous taglines. A catchy slogan, when combined with a specific logo and color palette, can be a powerful brand asset for unifying marketing campaigns and turning your company into a household name. Just think of all the jingles you still remember from childhood!

Brand Assets Examples

When building out your company's brand assets, it can be helpful to see how other businesses stand out from the crowd. Take a look through these incredibly organized and thoughtful brand assets examples for inspiration.


What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (3)

One of my favorite collections of branding assets is Brandland, the Zendesk hub for all things brand. Not only can you discover the history and attributes behind the customer support software, but you can get information on specific assets like typography, color, and voice. It truly is a magical display.


What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (4)

The video hosting platform outlines its brand assets in a clear, concise way. Anyone with an interest in portraying the Wistia brand can learn how to use the logo and color palette, which comes with instructions on how to combine the two. It's simple, yet effective.


What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (5)

Compiled in a brand guideline, Vimeo shares its branding assets alongside detailed instructions on how to use them. This includes how to reference Vimeo, how to use logo color and spacing, and how to share its unique Staff Pick graphics.


What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (6)

Freddie is the mascot and logo for Mailchimp, which plays up the brand's offbeat humor and conversational tone. The major brand assets are shared on Mailchimp's website, as well as its content style guide — an important element for people who want to understand the brand's voice and values in an in-depth way.


What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (7)

It's easy to access HubSpot brand assets through its style guide, which outlines elements like logo, color palette, tagline, graphics, and more. People can also dive into specific branding requirements so every page, product, and tool stays on-brand.


What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (8)

Whether someone is looking for the Uber logo or specific templates for a marketing campaign, Uber has it all in its brand playbook. The company makes it incredibly simple to understand how to use and create brand assets, which is essential for a global company that operates worldwide.

With these brand assets examples in hand, you're ready to start designing elements that showcase your identity. If you're wondering how assets play into your overall brand, look to this branding guide for tips on how to create a brand people know, love, and share.

Topics: Branding

What Are Brand Assets? 6 Examples to Inspire You (2024)


What are the brand assets? ›

What are brand assets? Brand assets are design and marketing elements that convey a business identity and are easily recognized by consumers. They promote a quick association and help set a brand apart from its competitors.

What are your personal brand assets? ›

Your personal brand is the external-facing, (mostly) online representation of your personality, skill set, and experience — a way to convey your identity in the age of social media.

What is a brand's most valuable asset? ›

It's the complete experience your customers have with your business. It encompasses your company's values, voice, and the emotional connection you establish with your audience. A strong brand differentiates you from competitors and builds loyalty among customers, which translates to sustained business growth.

What type of asset is product branding? ›

Brand assets are recognizable elements that embody a company's identity. From logos and typography to taglines, brand assets make it easy to identify a business, help it stand out from competitors, and cue customer associations. Brand assets can include the following elements: Brand name.

What are the six assets? ›

When we speak about assets in accounting, we're generally referring to six different categories: current assets, fixed assets, tangible assets, intangible assets, operating assets, and non-operating assets. Your assets can belong to multiple categories.

How do you value brand assets? ›

Consider following these six steps of how to measure brand value:
  1. Create a valuation scope. ...
  2. Choose a valuation approach. ...
  3. Determine brand equity strength. ...
  4. Evaluate purchasing decisions. ...
  5. Compare the brand with market competitors. ...
  6. Analyze financial standings.
Jul 2, 2024

What are the 7 pillars of personal branding? ›

Jill Hauwiller, owner and principal consultant at Leadership Refinery, describes the framework she leads her coaching clients through—one that encompasses seven key components: Purpose, Values, Clarity, Strengths, Energy, Legacy, and Ownership.

What is personal branding examples? ›

With a personal brand identity, you can connect with your target audience and stand apart from your competition. For example, Teachable creator and money expert Tori Dunlap has built a strong personal brand. It demonstrates her value—helping millennials, women especially, with financial planning and career transitions.

What are the four C's of personal branding? ›

Mastering the Four C's of personal branding - Clarity, Consistency, Content, and Communication - allows you to become a powerful extension of your company's brand.

What is an example of a most valuable asset? ›

Your Primary Residence. Your house is probably the asset that has the most value, and it may simultaneously be your biggest liability. The more equity you have in your home, the more it will increase your net worth.

What is a strong brand value? ›

A brand's value is merely the sum total of how much extra people will pay, or how often they choose, the expectations, memories, stories, and relationships of one brand over the alternatives. This definition may be useful to investors or others who need to put a “goodwill” term on the balance sheet.

What are the most valuable assets to own? ›

The 9 Best Income Producing Assets to Grow Your Wealth
  1. Stocks/Equities. If I had to pick one asset class to rule them all, stocks would definitely be it. ...
  2. Bonds. ...
  3. Investment/Vacation Properties. ...
  4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  5. Farmland. ...
  6. Small Businesses/Franchise/Angel Investing. ...
  7. CDs/Money Market Funds. ...
  8. Royalties.
Mar 9, 2023

What is a key brand asset? ›

Brand assets are crucial elements that define the visual and perceptual identity of a brand. They include not only visual components such as logos, typefaces, icons, and graphics but also non-visual elements like brand voice, tone, values, and mission statements.

What are the three types of brand assets? ›

Types of Brand Assets

Logos, color schemes, and typefaces make a brand instantly recognizable. For instance, Coca-Cola's distinct red and white color palette or Nike's swoosh logo are iconic visual assets that require no introduction.

What are distinctive brand assets? ›

Distinctive Brand Assets, as defined by Ehrenberg-Bass, are 'non-brand name elements that can trigger the brand into memory for category buyers. Put another way – they are the visual or audio elements that when we see, make us think of certain brands.

What are brand assets vs elements? ›

Brand assets are the core elements that define and differentiate a brand in the marketplace. These assets include anything from logos and taglines to the overall visual style and voice of the brand. They are crucial for building brand identity, recognition, and loyalty across all customer touchpoints.

What are the 3 types of brand assets that combine to create brand equity? ›

The 3 types of brand assets are brand awareness, BRAND ASSOCIATION, and brand loyalty. Brand awareness serves to differentiate brands along a recall/ familiarity dimension.

How do you measure brand assets? ›

Financial measures of success, the worth of a brand as a company asset. How do you assess it? Through brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, customer lifetime value, and other metrics. Through financial valuation methods, like market research or financial analysis.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.