What Is Black Hat SEO? (2025)

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for businesses and website owners looking to increase visibility and organic traffic from search engines, but certain SEO practices—known as black hat SEO—are forbidden by search engines because of their exploitative nature. While black hat SEO techniques aren’t technically illegal and can increase a webpage’s ranking quickly, they break search engine guidelines and can result in penalties and a worse overall user experience.

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Black Hat SEO Defined

Black hat SEO refers to techniques used to boost a website’s ranking on search engines in a manner that goes against search engine guidelines. The term “black hat” is a nod to old western movies where the villain is commonly seen wearing a black hat and the hero a white one. In this dichotomy of bad versus good, the villain acts only in self-interest, often to the detriment of those around them.

Similarly, black hat SEO exploits the search engine algorithm with the sole intention of increasing a website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), sacrificing a good user experience in the process.

These practices go against the true spirit of SEO, which is to gain search engine rankings by creating useful and relevant content. Search engines have publicly identified and denounced black hat SEO tactics over the years in official documents such as Google’s Search Essentials and Bing’s Webmaster Guidelines. Web developers and website owners can turn to these resources to avoid using the wrong SEO strategies.

How Black Hat SEO Works

When you search for a keyword or phrase in a search engine, the engine uses algorithms to show you the most relevant content based on your query. Once people discovered that this algorithmic process could be gamed, black hat SEO was born. While algorithms have matured over time, people can still employ many of these tactics because they exploit the fundamental nature of a search engine.

Take, for instance, the common practice of keyword stuffing. This tactic involves repeating popular keywords in as many places as possible on a website in order to rank highly for those topics. This method may work because search engines look for relevant keywords to rank websites in the SERPs. An offending site may get away with keyword stuffing for a short while, but today’s search engines use algorithms that will eventually recognize and penalize this kind of behavior.

Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO

Black hat SEO exploits search engine algorithms to gain rankings in a manner that goes against search engine guidelines. With black hat SEO, websites might see rapid gains in SERP rankings, but search engine penalties can quickly reduce these. Black hat SEO is seen as unethical as it creates a worse user experience for people who need relevant search results when using a search engine.

Conversely, white hat SEO follows search engine guidelines and focuses on the quality of the content from the reader’s perspective. This means providing original material that enriches the user experience with information relevant to the original search query. White hat SEO is a more long-term approach to gaining engine ranking. It is also considered the ethical and correct way to optimize a site.

The Risks of Black Hat SEO

Search engines want to be useful tools that users can rely on—black hat SEO obstructs this goal. Thus, search engines will administer harsh penalties to keep bad actors off of SERPs. Consider the following risks that come with black hat SEO.

Manual Actions

When a human reviewer determines that content on a page or site is not compliant with their engine’s guidelines, they respond with what is known as manual actions. Manual actions include lowering the ranking of pages or sites and—in some cases—completely removing them from search results without any visual signal to the user.

Algorithmic Penalty

Search engine algorithms are updated regularly to keep up with contemporary black hat SEO. When the algorithm recognizes black hat SEO, it can respond automatically by demoting the rank of offending sites. Additionally, the algorithm can also promote the rank of higher-quality content, which in turn organically demotes spam-like content that is of lower value.

5 Black Hat SEO Techniques (and Why You Should Avoid Them)

You should always avoid black hat SEO techniques as they can result in penalties that include your site being omitted from search results. Here are five common black hat SEO techniques you should know about so you can avoid using them.

Hidden Text

This technique involves hiding text on a page so it’s not visible to users but visible to the search engine. An example would be using a gray background and writing keywords all over the page in the same gray background color so the words blend in and are invisible to users. Avoid using hidden text, as it is easy to pick up by search engines and will result in penalties.


Cloaking is a practice that displays different content depending on who’s looking at it. The most common cloaking method is showing images to human users while only showing HTML text to the search engine. Search engines disapprove of this tactic because it allows users to be bombarded by unwanted content, such as ads or malware, when they are expecting something else. Normally, search engines can warn users about potentially malicious sites, but cloaking bypasses these precautions. When a search engine detects cloaking, it penalizes the page.

Private Blog Networks (PBNs) a.k.a. Web Rings

PBNs, also known as web rings, work on the premise that having external links from other websites benefits search engine rankings. But in this scenario, you own all the websites and link them to each other. By linking to each other, the sites are able to push each other into higher search rankings. While this can be a legitimate method for users who own multiple sites, it becomes problematic when the sites are all the same and only serve to channel traffic between each other.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing takes advantage of how search engine algorithms scan pages for keywords relevant to the searcher’s query. It involves arbitrarily repeating keywords throughout a website’s content for phrases or topics that you want to rank highly for. The result is usually a website that is poorly written or is useless to anyone looking for real, relevant information. Search engines are designed to recognize keyword stuffing, and it brings no value to your users. Not to mention, keywords are not the only thing search engines look for to rank a page highly, so you’re only going to get so far with keywords.

Blog Comment Spam

One of the oldest black hat SEO methods is adding links to your sites in the comments sections of someone else’s blog as another form of creating backlinks to your content. Since this method is so well known, most websites will just mark your comment as spam and ban you. Additionally, if you use this method, your brand might appear amateur or illegitimate to users who see you spamming your links in comments.

Bottom Line

While black hat SEO might garner quick gains in search engine rankings, it comes with the risk of harsh penalties for breaking search engine guidelines. For this reason, black hat SEO is never worth implementing over its white hat counterpart. Creating useful and compelling content builds trust with your user base that will translate into more sustainable, long-term success. Remember to stay educated on search engine webmaster guidelines so you can keep black hat SEO out of your content.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an example of black hat SEO?

A classic example of black hat SEO is hidden text. This technique hides popular keywords behind images and in the backgrounds of pages to fool the search engine into thinking the content is more relevant to certain queries than it actually is.

Why do people use black hat SEO?

People resort to black hat SEO because it offers a quicker and sometimes easier way to achieve search engine ranking compared to creating compelling, original content. However, these gains are usually short-lived as search engine algorithms are now designed to identify black hat SEO. Additionally, search engine companies have human staff that are trained to weed out black hat SEO.

Is black hat SEO legal?

Black hat SEO is not illegal, but it violates the guidelines set forth by search engines. You wouldn’t suffer any legal consequences by practicing black hat SEO, but you can still get hit with penalties from the search engine that can negatively affect your website’s traffic numbers.

What Is Black Hat SEO? (2025)


What Is Black Hat SEO? ›

Black hat SEO is the practice of going against search engine guidelines to manipulate SERPs (search engine results page) for higher rankings. Marketers found to be using black hat SEO methods can be issued Google penalties, be wiped from search engines or see metrics completely drop.

What is the black hat technique in SEO? ›

Black hat SEO refers to a set of practices that are used to increases a site or page's rank in search engines through means that violate the search engines' terms of service. The term “black hat” originated in Western movies to distinguish the “bad guys” from the “good guys,” who wore white hats (see white hat SEO).

Is black hat SEO illegal? ›

Black hat SEO explained for Beginners

It's not against the law, but it goes against search engine rules and can lead to penalties, like lower rankings or even getting removed from search results. Search engines like Google keep updating their systems to find and fight against black hat SEO.

What happens if you use black hat SEO? ›

If search engines detect you're using black hat SEO techniques, they may enact a penalty, reduce your search rankings, or ban your site from their search results altogether.

Why do people use black hat SEO? ›

They are used as a way to increase rankings without doing the work to improve a website's organic SEO. Rather than focusing on the users, people who use black hat SEO cheat the system using dishonest practices. Some business owners look at black hat SEO as a shortcut to get better rankings and more visibility.

Does black hat SEO still work? ›

Don't do it - really, don't. Although outright banning and removal from search engine results are pretty rare, if you play fast and loose with Black Hat SEO, your website is likely to be penalized with lower search engine rank position (SERP).

What is the disadvantage of black hat SEO? ›

Disadvantages of Using Black Hat SEO
  • Search engines actively penalize such tactics.
  • There is a high risk of getting banned or deindexed by search engines.
  • Frequent algorithm updates can lead to sudden drops in rankings.
  • The risk of long-term expenses for penalty recovery and repairs trumps the short-term benefits.

What is GREY hat SEO? ›

Grey hat SEO techniques are methods that combine both white hat and black hat SEO tactics. For example, creating high-quality content and then buying backlinks for it is a grey hat SEO technique. Creating content is a white-hat SEO technique and buying links is a clear black-hat SEO technique.

What is red hat in SEO? ›

This deceptive practice can result in severe penalties. Link Schemes: Red Hat SEO often involves buying or trading links from low-quality or irrelevant websites, which can harm a site's ranking and reputation.

What is an example of black SEO? ›

Common examples of black hat SEO strategies include the use of invisible text, doorway pages, keyword stuffing, page swapping, or the addition of unrelated keywords to a page.

What is the penalty for black hat SEO? ›

However, these often involve 'black hat' SEO practices - techniques that violate Google's guidelines and are, fundamentally, attempts to manipulate search rankings. If caught, the penalties from Google can be severe, leading to a drastic drop in your site's rank.

Why avoid black hat SEO techniques? ›

Black hat SEO involves manipulating search engine algorithms to gain higher rankings through unethical practices like keyword stuffing, low-quality content, and paying for links. These tactics violate search engine guidelines and can result in severe penalties, including being removed from search results.

What is blue hat in SEO? ›

Blue Hat SEO refers to the use of unconventional or innovative tactics to improve a website's search engine rankings. It involves thinking outside the box and leveraging non-traditional strategies to gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

Do you think that black hat SEO is unethical? ›

Black hat SEO refers to unethical practices used to manipulate search engine rankings. These techniques go against search engine guidelines and aim to deceive search engines and users. Black hat SEO techniques might seem tempting for their promise of quick gains, but they come with significant risks.

How to identify black hat SEO? ›

If you're discovering hidden links or a lack of useful content on certain pages, these are clear signs of black hat SEO. It means ignoring proper content marketing practices and manipulating information to take advantage of high-volume search terms is an unethical strategy.

How to cloaking SEO? ›

Permitted Ways to Implement Cloaking in SEO
  1. Flash-based Websites: Usability and accessibility of the problems are common with websites built with Flash. ...
  2. Invisible or Hidden text: This is keeping text on a webpage hidden from search engines for some reason yet visible to users.
Dec 13, 2023

What is the difference between white hat SEO and black hat SEO? ›

White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO epitomize two divergent approaches to search engine optimization. While White Hat SEO revolves around ethical practices that prioritize quality content and user experience, Black Hat SEO employs manipulative tactics for short-term gains.

What is the difference between black hat SEO and GREY hat SEO? ›

Grey hat SEO techniques are those that fall somewhere in between white and black hat tactics. They are not white hat because the intention behind them isn't exactly legitimate. However, they are not black hat either because they're not directly aimed at manipulating search engines.

Which of the following is an example of black hat SEO? ›

Examples Of Black Hat SEO and Why They are Dangerous. Common examples of black hat SEO strategies include the use of invisible text, doorway pages, keyword stuffing, page swapping, or the addition of unrelated keywords to a page.

What are the techniques of black hat hacker? ›

The black hat hackers can then access, steal, and leverage the data found. Some of their techniques involve social engineering, botnets, DDoS attacks, spyware, and more. The data is usually sold on the dark web, used to extort a ransom, or simply destroyed.


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